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Old 08-04-2012, 11:40 PM   #2
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Re: 2003-2006 Do's & Don'ts

If you are going to haul passengers often then I would get a crew cab. Its a tight squeeze getting in and out with the doors opening up like suicide doors. I don't haul passengers a lot but when we went to FL in it, getting in and out was a pain. Especially in a tight parking space.

I own an 05 extended cab and I like it. My cd player quit working so I bought a stock 6 disc player off of ebay. With these newer Delphi units you have to get the vin programmed into the new one.
I haven't had any problems with my gauges as of yet. I may have just jinxed myself. The gauge motors seem to be bad or go bad on 05 and down I think. I replaced them on my 05 Cavalier a couple years ago. But no problem so far on the truck.
I would also get a tow package truck. You never know when you'll need to pull something. If your going a custom look then I guess it doesn't matter.
Heres mine. I don't have those rims anymore. I have some Escalade rims on it now.
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Last edited by thelonerife; 08-05-2012 at 12:05 AM.
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