Originally Posted by sandm2001
no need to check for spark. the timing marks are off. it should be dot to dot when you line the crank and the cam gears together. the crank dot should be at the top and the cam gear dot should be at the bottom of the gear. dot to dot.
He said cam at 6 O'clock & crank at 12 O'clock....Dot to Dot?????
With both dots at 12 O'clock....The engine is still in time, And is TDC for #1 cylinder, Dots together is TDC for #6 cylinder.
slugish, Stock HEI's have a Pink 10 gauge wire with a white terminal on the end, This goes to the batt terminal. The coil cover is labeled TACH & BATT.
I recommend a Spark Tester to check spark, Though there are more adventurous ways
If the valves are to tight the valves will hang open...If you bottomed out unprimed lifters then a 1/2, 3/4 ,full turn "preload" The valves will not close = No compression, Or bent valves...Rare on stock engines.