08-08-2012, 09:02 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Jan 2011
Location: Quincy, FL
Posts: 533
Re: Help /advice needed !
Originally Posted by slugish
adjusted valves by turning rocker nut till zero lash ( when there was no slack in the rod ) then went 1/2- 3/4 turn more after turnin the crank over & getting the exhaust valve to just start to close & then adjusting the intake valve . Did just what instructions said to do . adjusted the exhast valve after getting the intake valve to open all the way up ( something like that)
I usually just roll them in my fingers (index and thumb) til I start to feel a resistance and call it good. If I have any clatter I adjust it running. If I am looking for low end torque I I set them on the tight side, if I am going for RPM I set them on the loose side.
whats the method of checking your spark with an old plug or what other method is there.
Pull a plug wire, put an old plug in the end of it, ground the electrode finger to the block and spin it over. It will spark if working, MSD is gonna be a strong spark and if you are near it it will bite you and bite pretty hard. YOu'll live but it will jarr your eye teeth. I will do it holding the wire (after inspection) but I am carefull, use GOOD rubber handled pliers and you'll be fine.
as a repeat my crank mark was set at 12:00
& my cam at 6:00
I am satisfied you have it right.
How can I tell or how can test to see if valves too tight.
Either go back and reset them all or loosen them 1/2 a turn across the board. One thing we haven't talked about is oil pressure, have you got a reading yet? Good flow on the heads yet? THe reason I ask here is that if you installed dry lifters (new) the spring should have had the cup up but the spring offered very little resistence so zero lash might have been bottomed out, and then you cranked it another 1/2-3/4 turn so they are way tight. Oil pressure pumps the lifters up so that pressure us holding the cup against the push rod. When I have suspected this I loose my valves excessively, pull the plugs and spin the motor until I am getting oil flow and good pressure on a gauge. I have used a prime rod, but just more trouble since you have to pull the distributor and keep turning the engine.
would a compression test tell me anything
Yes, it will tell you if you are getting compression, which could implecate the valve setting but not guarantee it.
Sorry for so many questions
Hope this helps, I am working on the computer this morning so I will keep an eye on this if oyu have any follow up questions.
Good luck!