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Old 08-08-2012, 08:38 PM   #20
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Re: Help /advice needed !

That fitting is for the brake booster if yours isn't already hooked up to the intake. Otherwise plug it cause it's a vacuum leak. As for the distributor set the engine to tdc and pull the distributor just enough to turn it a tooth or so towards number two cyl. Don't worry if it don't go back down all the way. Tighten the dist' clamp enough to put tension on the distributor. Pull the hot wire from the dist' and crank the engine till the distributor set down then tighten it and put your hot wire back on.

If all is well and you have spark it should fire. If not a fireball will erupt and your timing is 180 out.

In case your Holley needs reset. Take the side mixture screws bottom them out softly then one and a half turns back out. Set the idle a lil high
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