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Old 08-13-2012, 06:03 PM   #5
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Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Winchester, Va
Posts: 72
Re: Anyone here live around me?

I'm in Winchester, 15 west on Rt 50. Saw a suburban in the Apple Blossom Parade this year, was that you? I've had my 63 GMC since highschool, 1994 O think, before that it was my Scout Masters in Boy Scouts. Remeber turn over the spedmometer over to al 00000's on I81 while in Scouts. I turned it over again myself much later after I learned to drive in that truck and bought it from him. It is a 63 GMC 1 ton panel, 305 V6, 4-speed granny. Originally purchased for the Rouss Fire Company in Winchester, served 1963 to 1973 then it was the James Wood High School band wagon. After that private owner before my Scout Master bought it to haul campin stuff and a concession trailer.

I got the truck tore apart at the moment and I'm scraping the surface rust off the frame. Have to do some welding next. Body is rusted very bad and has a lot of dents. Cracked the winshield taking it out. Having gas tank brackets made now to replace a bent and lost pair. Steering column mast jacket replacement from a junk yard in the mail. Maybe over the winter I can get a lot done. Need a 60-63 drivers door if you know of one? Mine is dented badly at the top and around door handle, to bad to fix.

Like to see your Suburban some time, my 63 Impala is I paint shop now, mayve see you out n about.

Jeremy Cooper
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