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Old 08-14-2012, 12:09 PM   #64
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Re: Parting out 1969 Chevy motorhome

Hey Jen, thanks for getting back to me. (Please call me Josh) Their apple/cherry crumb pie with cinnimon ice cream is to die for.

The mirrors are now a maybe. I have been debating on trying to make a set of 68 C10 mirrors work. I am going to do a little more testing to see first.

Engine accessory drive was reffering to the power steering pump bracket. Sorry about that.

I meant the ignition. Didn't know you were using it. As for the Cigg Lighter, everything. Bezel, wire, and lighter itself.

Could you PM me a pic of the front and back of the cluster?

Thanks so much!
build Threads:
Nasty 68 C10. My lil hotrod
Leftovers 68 C20
D-Ranged Ford Ranger on steroids

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