08-15-2012, 03:28 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: South Florida
Posts: 11,375
Re: Whats your favorite part of your truck?
Originally Posted by CC69Rat
Idea for new thread ..
"What's your favorite part about Big Al's truck?"
Mine has to be the looks you get from other people. Young or old, male or female it doesn't matter. For example, the neighbor across the stree from me (20yr old female, golfer) absolutely loves my GMC. It's just people you'd never think that like these old trucks .. Doctors, Lawyers, etc. People are really starting to realize nowdays that you can:
#1 - Buy a new truck. 50% of what you put into it, you loose in depreciation. They don't last and difficult to repair. .. I could go on.
#2 - Restore an old truck. 50% of what you put into it increases the value for resale if need be. they last forever, easy to repair. Yeah, gas mileage is different but for $500/mo. payment I can buy a lot of gas. 
Chad very well stated!!