Thread: Truck Seats
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Old 08-16-2012, 12:36 AM   #7
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Re: Truck Seats

IMHO, the best seats are Recaros, but they are big bucks. I saw a racing style seat at O'Reillys today and it looked real nice for $152. I don't know if they sell adapters, but it was in the style of a Recaro.
I had a pair of base model Recaros in my two Hondas and I flat wore them out after about 400K miles between the two cars. I had a lot of trouble getting repair parts to rebuild the strapping under the seats, but, man, they were the most comfortable and supportive seats ever.
All that said, I would look for late model Silverado/Sierra with integral seat belts. I think you will have to jack the seats up to adapt them to a square, but they are nice seats. Unless you are a 6+ footer like me, it won't be a problem.
I would never rebuild the stock seat again - the stock seat is just too uncomfortable.
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