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Old 08-16-2012, 03:54 AM   #9
Redneck Hillbilly
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Re: 1967 Firebird "Bad Bird" Project

Thanks for the interest guys. Yeah she isn't in too bad of shape really, considering what I have seen a lot of others have had to start with. I looked around for a while and couldn't find any pictures of Firebirds done how I vision my own, but I did see quite a few other cars that I did like. I saved a couple pics from the net just to give an example of the style I am trying to achieve. Again, i know these aren't firebirds, they are just a good example of my style. I don't want to be too nose high, but a straight axle is a must for my build. And I want it to have a very late 60's early 70's vibe to it...I haven't decided for sure on altering the wheelbase or not yet...

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