Re: Billet hood hinges
Hey thanks for the interest, I do have a rough cut prototype set of arms that I was going to use but the aluminum was not quite 3/8 so I cut the final arms out of thicker stock. So that is the closest thing I have to a pattern, but in reality, my pattern was the actual steel arm. It puts all of the bolt locations right in the exact spot you need them to be so that the hood closes just like the original hood does. Get yourself some Dyekem marking fluid and a sharp scribe and that is all you need to get a pretty close pattern, the only mod I did that is different from OEM dimensions is that I removed the spring hook on the main arm. I plasma cut the arms a little big so I had room to sand them down on my big belt sander to the correct size.
The prototype arms I have are that over sized rough plasma cut shape and no where near final dimensions. I think you would be far happier with the patterns you already have under your hood.
You might not want to mess with the bronze bushings like I did and instead mill out sealed bearing pockets, it is a little more expensive but there is less mill work in the long run. If you go that route then you might want to consider making the arms out of 1/2 stock so you have enough thickness to mill the bearing pocket. Either way there is a fair amount of fab work involved but just keep telling yourself your saving $600.