Thread: Damn drum!
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Old 08-19-2012, 10:17 AM   #7
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Re: Damn drum!

You say you're trying to adjust shoes out. Is that what you meant to say?

I use a thing screwdriver to push the adjuster out of the way and then retract the shoes all the way. I have used a larger screwdriver to move the star wheel in the past but a good brake adjusting tool works a lot better. I always have to think about which way to move the star wheel on this step when I do mine. As you know the adjuster lever moves the star wheel top down on the outside so you want to go top down on the inward side to retract the shoes.
68 GMC 250/3 speed Saginaw p/b p/s
69 Chevy 350/350 currently in pieces still lookin for a cab
06 Trailblazer
I just want a vehicle that I can work on, that won't talk to me, leave error msgs or keep track of how I drive...
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