Thread: slow trans leak
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Old 08-20-2012, 09:29 PM   #1
big bad orange
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slow trans leak

I searched but did not find answer my 350th is leaking from the front main seal I am going to replace it but do to not having the tool or the time right now am I in risk of destroying the trans I believe it never been opened and has 70,000 miles on it. It leaks a little each day and the Po would put some in when it got close to the add make on the dipstick. My question is It going to be a month till I have time to fix it am I do major damage to the trans? I drive 5-10 Miles a day.
just like that old Johnny Cash song. "One piece at a time and I am go na make an old C10 mine a look at all your faces when I drive through your town"
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