AHHHHH!! im about to go crazy here...
ok a few things...
1. i said, "DO NOT PM ME, rather email me." this means email me, dont private message me
2. i have had people getting upset when parts sell, just because you asked for a shipping quote doesnt mean you own the part, i may have very well sent out 5 shipping quotes at the same time for the same part to 5 different people. if i provide you a shipping quote it does not mean you own the part. if you reply "i will take the part" and its still available, then it is yours. sorry for all those who did not get what they want but bear in mind i had a slew of emails for the kick panel speakers, and tach/air dash. also if you were the first person to email me, yet offered me less that what i was asking and the second person to email me offered me my asking price, you lose out, im sorry.
3. please do not email me asking "i want the parts" WHAT PARTS?
4. when emailing, try to email me from the same address you originally contacted me from, ive had a few people emailing me from work, then emailing me from home with different addresses, i cannot distinguish between the two! i do not know both your email addresses, please let me know who you are and what parts you wanted!
finally im sorry for all of those who didnt get parts, and or i havent replied to. i will get back to all emails! if youve sent me an email saying youll take the item and it was the first email i got for that item, then the item will be yours. im just really busy through out the week with 17 units at college and my part time job. i will try tie everything up by friday.
if you havent received a reply from an email within 48 hours, go ahead and send me an email again!
once again sorry for the confusion, i was really not expecting such mass hysteria