Originally Posted by wilkin250r
Like cjlink said, the gauge reading way past full is an indication of a broken wire, bad connection, or broken wire in the sending unit itself (you'd understand if you were looking at it). There are ways to test each of these. However, because the driver side often works, it DOES indicate that the problem is most likely not in the gauge itself, so a new gauge probably wouldn't fix it.
When the driver side tank doesn't work, what does it do? Peg past full? Peg as empty? Different symptoms indicate different problems.
This is what I was thinking. If it's working on one tank,,that tells me you have an issue with the wiring on the other tank (ground/short) or the sender in that tank has bitten the dust.
Been a long time since I had to trouble shoot one,,,but I believe if you ground the sending unit wire,,turn the key on,,,,,it should move your gauge to full. Un-grounding the wire and the gauge should drop to empty. If that's the case, your wiring is fine,,,and the sending unit is bad.
When the sending unit goes bad, (potentiometer) they usually peg the gauge and read full just as you describe.