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Old 08-24-2012, 12:22 PM   #4694
DevilDog Aggie
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Re: What did you do to your truck today!

Originally Posted by Boog View Post
Rob, man. That's pretty low down to slap a warning on your truck after one day on jack stands. And gives you 2 days to make it operable or it may be removed by the city. At your expense for sure. I don't even know you and it makes me mad. Popos don't do this without someone making the complaint. Have you been crossways with one particular neighbor? You know if their car ended up one night with the wheels removed and it sitting on blocks it might could be called in as "abondoned" ..... just sayin.
None that I know of. Have a feeling I know who it was and I have never met him or had any dealings with him. While I was working on it Wednesday afternoon, a guy down the street came up and said that the police were out again that morning looking at it. It is moved now though.
'72 Chevy C-10 - 350-5.7/TH350/PS/PB/AC
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