Thread: No Brakes!
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Old 08-26-2012, 11:52 AM   #6
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Re: No Brakes!

Originally Posted by Jarwood View Post
Thanks for the advice. I am going out now to check everything out.
Hi again
Here are some tips and tricks for bleeding your brakes using the two person method.

1) On each caliper have your partner pump the brake pedal 4 to 5 times then hold it down while you loosen then tighten the bleeder valve they should not release the brake untill you have retightened the bleeder valve, communication is important durring this, so make sure you tell them when to pump and hold and when they can release.

2) Attach a tight rubber hose approx 12" long to the bleeder valve and have the other end in a clean long small bottle filled with brake fluid so that when you are bleeding the brakes the air cant get sucked back in before you tighten the bleeder back up, you can use this fluid to top off your reservoir as it gets too full, use a single paper coffee filter to make sure any contaminates are removed while you are pouring it in.

3) Use a rubber mallet to tap the brake caliper several times in between each time you bleed it, you should bleed each one 3 to 5 times before you move on to the next one to make sure you get all the air bubbles out of the system.

***Warning*** If you do this procedure correctly you will have touchy brakes and you wont be used to it so take it easy the first time you test them
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Last edited by Xeen; 08-26-2012 at 12:00 PM.
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