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Old 08-29-2012, 02:14 PM   #3
old Rusty C10
Robert Olson Transport
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Re: tips before I pull my engine and trans. ????

Originally Posted by bigblock73 View Post
Take off the hood, remove the radiator.

Get a helper.

Have lots of rags and cleaning supplies handy to clean up the mess you are about to make
when you remove the hood you should take a sharpie or something and mark around the hood hinges so its easy to line back up when you reinstall the hood
at least one helper its heavier than it looks

make sure you put the truck on jack stands high so you have the room to swing the motor and trans

I try to put a dam up with the rags for the fluid because no matter how much you drain there is always more than youve let out

once you start disassembling things make sure you put things in labelled bags where they go back and photograph things for future refrence
I try to use pieces of masking tape and write numbers on them for the wiring harness so plug 1 goes on sender 1 2 goes on 2 etc etc makes it easier to figure out even if youre putting in a totally different engine

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