1988 Crew Cab 1 Ton
Look what I brought home...
1988 K(V?)30 Crew Cab, 6.2l diesel, Turbo 400, Dana 60 front
Long ago it was an Air Force truck,then a maintenance truck, now its mine
Needs some work, but looking through here will certainly help, and already has, the fuel gauge didnt work on the ride home but have since fixed it.
Plans for it include:
A visor
Maybe a flat bed (this bed is pretty beat up)
Finding another diesel tank so it can have dual tanks again
Possibly painting it camo
Some rust on the drivers rocker and floor board that Ill have to fix then hopefully rhinoline the interior of the cab
Suburban or tahoe leather seats for it
and of course a turbo or two...
... and a bunch of other stuff i havnt found out is wrong/needs attention
and its already earning its keep... heh