Re: Attempting the "$50 paint job"
I painted mine with a roller and brush last fall. The slight texture I got was helpful in hiding some of the body imperfections, since my truck had significant rust beforehand. I did sand the rusted areas and apply a brush-on rust converter. I did not thin the paint at all prior to application, which limited it's self-leveling properties. I see that you are spraying the interior and jambs, guessing your plan is to spray exterior as well? Looks like you have a great start.
I was not able to really apply any wax/sealer as I finished my painting the weekend before the winter weather hit last fall. I would suggest soem type of application once your paint cures, I'm probably going to hit mine with another coat here this fall, and hopefully get that done as well. But overall I was surprised at how well the paint held up even thur our harsh winter months here in Minnesota.
EDIT : here's a pic of mine.
'98 S-10 Blazer 4dr 4wd - 4.3, AT, stock
'85 K-10 w/ 305, 700r4, np208, and RUST!
SOLD Dec 2014
Last edited by TDS-MN; 09-01-2012 at 02:30 PM.