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Old 09-01-2012, 07:15 PM   #7
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Re: Painting question

The main reasons I have troubles painting with humidity, I am way too heavy[acutally I am the perfect weight for someone who is 8'7"] I am on medications that make me sweat and my booth is a metal box inside a metal shop so it is about 10 to 25 degrees hotter than the outside air sometimes. All of those thing combine to make my main problem possible sweat dripping on the surface but this happens any time the temp is over about 70 degress. Anything over 80 and I have to change clothes at lunch and hotter still I have to take as many as 5 or 6 showers daily. Dang. See you just think you got problems till you hear someone elses then you think man I'm glad I am not him. well, your welcome . Now go spray and have fun. Jim
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