Originally Posted by Denee007
What a great age for your son! A lot going on at that age! Is he interested in your workings in the garage? Does he like tinkering?
As for lifts~ I was fortunate when I bought my lift~ it was 1800, now they've gone up a bit, but when I spend thousands here and thousands there on my projects, the cost for my little lift doesn's sound so bad. My garage ceiling is 7'11". Of course my Apache can't go very high. I guess my body just doesn't do well with a car only off the floor 15"s or so. I didn't have my lift until AFTER I was finished with my stang! lol I thought I was finished with car restorations! But I keep having to put the stang on the lift for odds n end servicing.
I keep coming back to your build, You're so talented! ; )

Thanks Denee
He's into Legos and playing the guitar and base. He takes lessons twice a week and is in a band with other kids his age. He also swims on a private team for his heart. He was a premee and had to have surgery at a week old to fix a coarctation of the aorta. I have two older sons who never really got into hot rods either. One is an excellent tattoo artist and the other is just a normal person.
Originally Posted by Larry Lindley
nice build,lots of fab work,do you work from prints or just free hand it as it comes along.once again very nice.
Thanks Larry
I pretty much just wing as I go along. I will make cardboard templates for some things but generally just do a lot of measuring and drawing on the metal that I need to cut.