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Old 09-02-2012, 10:54 AM   #3
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Re: Valve guide seal replacement.

Originally Posted by Desert1957 View Post
You can do it yourself with a few tools , some other tools you maybe able to rent (valve spring compressor).

The only real danger is making sure the piston is all the way up in its bore before taking the valve spring retainers and keepers off. you will need a good understanding of how to readjust ALL the valves properly to obtain proper lifter preload.

If you are not sure what I'm talking about ,you can use the search feature on this site to obtain most of the information you will need.

If you still can't find the info you need a lot of members here can walk you through it.

Here is a small list of tools you will need.
*basic socket set
*spark plug socket
*valve spring compressor
*small piece of rope to insert in the cylinder
(shop air compressor is preferred for this step)
*1 set of umbrella valve seals (16total needed)


PS: Can't imagine any shop charging less than $300-400 for this type of repair
Why do I need a piece of rope? And thanks
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