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Old 09-02-2012, 07:23 PM   #6
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Re: ignition timing 1980 gmc

I think that the timing mark was moved to behind the water pump on engines equipped with the A.I.R. system pump. The late 70's Targetmaster that I just bought had the timing mark low on the driver's side of the motor, which would be completely hidden by the power steering pump.

IIRC the P/S pump used to sit low on the passenger side and the driver's side was open. When the air pump was added the P/S pump was moved to the other side so the timing mark needed to be relocated. Not a big deal to swap timing covers and vibration dampeners.

I would be curious if anyone knows what the tube to the right of the timing marks is for. Maybe some weird motor application that required 9 degrees ATDC?
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