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Old 10-11-2003, 08:38 AM   #19
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The wood is treated yellow pine.

To fix the lip on the fender I have seen several guys take an angled piece and cut groves in it and bend it around. I could not find the right material.

I have some steel looks to be about 14 guage. I ground off all the bad metal then I primed the underside with lots of weldable primer. (has lots of zinc, if you use this wear a good mask when you weld)

I then welded a strip 1 1/2" wide along the lip of the fender. I then made several L shaped brackets about 4" long and welded them where the bolts would go.

I placed the fender on the bedsides, alighed the edges with my marks, and marked and drilled new bolt holes.

I then used lots and lots of seam sealer forcing it into any cracks and covered it all with 6 coats of paint. Then it will get a good coating of undercoat.

I'll try to get some pics before I cover it all up with under coating.
Rod Childers
'71 C10 Stepside
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