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Old 10-11-2003, 08:40 AM   #8
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My buddy, Bernie, wanted to change the front coils on his 57 chev. He used the floor jack, bottle jack, pickle fork process.
I add a safety chain thru the coil to the A-frame for added safety. You see Bernie had this little accident and the spring popped loose.It did so with enough bounce to hit the floor and then HIS PERSONALS!!!!! They swelled from this (oo) to this (OO) which mean they became like Cantelopes!!! He couldn't walk for a week and it still make me shutter.
Saftey is always a little added process that ALWAYS pays for itself.
Stick a chain or heavy rope thru the coil and secure it to the A frame and you will never regret it. JUST THINK ABOUT (00) BERNIE!!!!
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