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Old 09-03-2012, 09:52 PM   #1
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Posts: 130
Check your brake lines, 2003

If you guys have a chance check your brake lines do it or have somebody look at them. I was driving last week and applied my brakes and didn't have any. I smashed into the back of a car in front of me. My brake lines are so rotted that one busted. I had the truck towed to my mechanic and he informed me all the lines are in terrible shape. also the gas lines are ****. I usually do most repairs on the thing myself so I didn't notice the extent of the rot. When I applied my brakes I started to stop but the antilocks started to come on in a funny way and I'm thinking, I'm getting closer to the car and closer and less brakes and then nothing. The price tag is going to kill me.

2003 silverado 80k miles. Be carefull and check out your situation.
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