Thread: Rat Bagged 70
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Old 09-04-2012, 12:53 AM   #146
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Re: Rat Bagged 70

Originally Posted by Square_78 View Post
yeah my mistake. You are right. Im still learning about all this air bag stuff on these 67-72 trucks. My concern with cupping my stock LCA's would be trying to align it afterwards. You would have some crazy negative camber to deal with and also the ball joint angles you mentioned. I also have drums on the front of my new 1970 GMC and I am still contemplating what to do. I really dont want to swap to discs right now as I dont have the budget for it. Since spindles arnt available for drum brakes I was thinking I might bite the bullet and save for the Ride Tech dropped LCA's. You get 3" more drop (with proper balljoint and camber alignment) and that should put the front end down nicely.

Any more updates?
yeah lowered control arms are definately the way to go if you can swing them i was looking at a porterbuilt dropmember because I can still use all of my stock stuff with it so far I have just been driving the heck out of it havent done anything to it lately probably when the snow flies I will tear into it again just got a welder and have been practicing up my welds so I can weld in my c-notch I am tired of the rear end banging around
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