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Old 09-04-2012, 06:04 PM   #1
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Join Date: Jan 2005
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So I bought this K5 that someone started to convert to 2wd...

Since I have always wanted a 2wd 69-72 blazer to cruise during Hot August nights. A friend found this local on CL... (yes I bought it.....$800!)

The front has a stock front crossmember bolted(loosely) in, and the rear it has the 4wd six lug axle flipped on top of the leafs...

So heres my questions....
-How can I measure to make sure the front crossmember is in the correct spot?
-Opinions on putting the truck arm suspension in the rear( Im not planning on bagging it ever,got a 51 5 window on bags already....). I just wanna get it to sit right an cruise it!
-to get it to sit right on a modern set of 20s what is a good amount of drop for the front and still have a decent ride? ( I know rear will be experimenting because of the leafs....)
-since 6 lug rotors are available and 6 lug wheels are alot more popular due to all late model chevy trucks and tahoes are six lug.... are the offsets on the late model wheels gonna work or be too narrow?
-this truck is in need of a rear patch panel and a drivers floor section,seems blazer stuff doesnt really exist.What can I use?
rust pics

ok last question....should I feel bad about using my 72 LB c-10 for a parts vehicle...?
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