Thread: t5 question
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Old 09-05-2012, 10:37 PM   #40
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Re: t5 question

sounds frustrating wc - here's a question for the crowd since I'm a gmc v6 novice...

Does the same manual trans that wc is replacing that was hooked up to the original v6 also bolt directly to a sbc?

I'm not sure the v6 and sbc v8 are common animals when it comes to this stuff. BUT, for what it's worth - when I installed mine, I had the same problem (keep in mind, I had the spacer because I had an S10 T5) - about 1/8-1/4" of feeling like "it's SOooo close but feels like it's bottoming out". Now, having said that - with the spacer, I knew I had slightly less pilot shaft engagement in the bushing - and after significant wiggling, it finally popped right in.

Again, not sure the logic of "it doesn't need a spacer if it's a Camaro T5" applies when talkin GMC v6 - that logic technically is only applicable to a sbc.

So, along the same lines as padre is getting at -

- How did the overall dimension of (trans front face -to- tip of pilot bearing) compare?
If the same or shorter, then it's not the pilot shaft causing the problem
- As important - what is the comparison of (trans front face -to- end of the splines on the input shaft)? See b) below.

- How "thick" does the combo of (pressure plate + release bearing) compare between original and current setup?
If the same, then ok. If not, then may or may not be your issue.
- After all that - the only think I can thin of is one of the following (even though some have been discussed above):

a) when everything put together, the clutch splines are bottoming out on the trans input shaft splines before the trans can mate to the bell.
b) it's possible that even if the pilot shaft isn't bottoming out in the bushing that the shoulder where the splines begin are bottoming out on the crank. The measurement noted abvoe will help clarify that.
c) sometimes on custom clutch disks, the "this side toward engine" wording gets removed.... Is it possible the cluthc disk is in backwards? But I don't think that would keep the trans from mating to the bell - but not sure with a v6.

Wish I could be more help. How much time have you spent with a bit wigglin the turd around trying to get it to seat? For some reason, it took me quite a while. About 2 straight hours of frustration.

Be careful manhandling it because it can be easy to crack a mounting ear off the aluminum case trans. Hope it gest sorted out wc.
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