Originally Posted by BMERDOC
Scooped up another one! Love it! I saw it on CL too. As you know from my many mistaken emails I'm always creaping around on there. I like steppers and it seemed like a great deal for what it was.
Sorry I couldn't tell you yes immediately earlier. I need to figure out this towing thing with the new truck. I don't know class I from class III but it looks like I'm going to have to switch to a real reciever before I pull anything. I think it still may be possible to pull a dolly but I'm not sure.
Glad you didn't scoop it up first

I appreciate you willing to help...po is supposed to deliver it tomorrow night...
Originally Posted by gearys 5600
I like it !!!
Should be a cool shop truck.
Thanks, I think it's going to be very cool!
Originally Posted by Tinkermc
I will keep an eye on this build 4 sure
Glad you're subscribed! Thanks for always offering to help as well and offering up/having cool parts!
Originally Posted by Rusbuilt
Haha that's good!
Posted via Mobile Device
Yeah, I asked him before I took it on...he has done a couple of his own trucks and he's rebuilt several totalled scionxb's by taking a good front and a good back and making one good out of two totals...they look perfect when done and dmv approves them for resale so I figure if he can do that...he can handle a roof swap