Re: Electrical problem? Soilid engine start to run bad then not start.
Have you verified that the power wire feeding your HEI, is good? Did you re-use the old resistor wire that went to the points type coil?
While troubleshooting this issue (And to rule out an issue with the ignition switch), run a single 18 gauge or better wire directly from the battery to the power input of the HEI, just to make sure the issue isn't electrical.
If it still runs poorly or not at all with the direct wire, you might want to pull the HEI and check that the shaft and gear are in good shape.
While the engine is running, does it backfire or pop through the carb?
Have you checked the initial timing of the engine again? Maybe something went wonkey with the timing chain?
Depending on who put them together, new engines can develop all kinds of crazy issues.
Good luck