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Old 09-06-2012, 07:39 PM   #28
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Re: 700R4 and NP205 combo

Originally Posted by KrazyRay View Post
There is 2 ways to mate the 700r4 to the 205. The best way IMO is to get the $200 advanced adapter shaft. That puts your engine forward 1 3/4 inches. The other way is to buy the spacer that's about 3 inches long from a company in the midwest. This shoves the engine forward 3 inches and I worry about the extra stress on the tail housing with that long spacer. Its about $100.
Im confused because ORD has this adapter and it dont look 3 inches long. Am I missing something?

700R4 Spacer

This spacer is used to put a 700R4 in place of a TH350, or to put an NP203 or NP205 behind a 700R4.
If you're installing an NP203 behind a 700R4, you will need this spacer and a TH350 to NP203 adapter.
If you're installing an NP205 behind a 700R4, you will need this spacer, a TH350 to NP205 adapter and a 27 spline drive sleeve.
$75 Buy Now
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