Thread: 3r!c84 build
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Old 09-06-2012, 10:13 PM   #588
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Re: 3r!c84 build

okay guys going to be blowing off the dust from this build and getting it cranking again! since ive got the time and money to work on it
moved back home after a year of living at my own place. forcefully had to move back (came home to my gf and a guy in my place. cracked the tub from buddys head..) anyways getting real close to painting the truck. talked to the painter the other night. my buddys dad. close family friend. he looked over it and its really straight truck with only few small dents. but the drivers door is not fixable. it has been repaired before by PO and just cant fix the dent the right way.
Think outside the box?
-84c10 (1stcar)→My Build
-00 Saturn 5spd

drop a gear and disappear!

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