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Old 09-07-2012, 11:33 PM   #9
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Re: 4x4 front axle drum to disc

I just finished converting my 69 blazer from drum to disc brakes a couple of hours ago. I picked up a 72 blazer dana 44 that was shot for a 100.00 bill. I kept my dana since it was recently rebuilt, so i had to change every thing from the knuckles out (72 disc parts) and keep everything from the knuckles in(69 parts). Had to install a new propotioning valve and new 72 mastercylinder. I also had to plum in seperate front brake lines since the original drums fed off of a single tee'ed line. It was a lot of work and trial and error, but after my 1st test drive tonight i am wearing a big grin from ear to ear. Disc brakes are worth the trouble in my book. I SPENT ABOUT 600.00 IN ALL, BUT I BOUGHT NEW ROTORS,CALIPERS,SPINDAL BEARINGS,HUB BEARINGS,SEALS,BRAKE HOSES,PROPORTION VALVE,MASTERCYLINDER,AND BREAK LINES.
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