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Old 09-08-2012, 05:49 PM   #4
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Re: What's it like to own a suede car or truck?

That paint looks like either it has a flattener in the clear coat or it wasn't clear coated. A hell for nice paint job that just isn't shiny.

I drove the 48 for years on end with tinted primer and while it didn't take much care I ended up redoing it every July just before the Vintiques NW nationals so it would be fresh for that event. Before that I scuffed down the primer and resprayed it several times a year to keep it fresh sometimes changing colors of primer.

The hot rod flatz has to be a lot easier to take care of though and If I took the left over pieces that I have and stuck them together to build a daily driver it would probably be lo care hot rod flatz but not black as I'm tired of that color on my own rigs having had the 48 black primer for at least 8 of the past 30 years.
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