Jamie: Yeap made it home ok, no problems at the border. Nice meeting you and your wife, you're certainly welcome to come up for a visit, hunting season or otherwise.
72shadetree: The plans are to drop as big an engine into it as I can find, currently that's only a 305, but I'm hoping to find a BBC someday. I was thinking about putting 31X10.50 tires on it, it turns out that's whats on it already, they don't look bad but I was thinking about something a little bigger, really wider. Otherwise it'll stay pretty stock, I'm going to find a couple of bucket seats for it and if I can figure out how to work around the t-case shifter I'll make a nice wooden console for it.
Unfortunately it's going to have to wait until after the wife's truck is done. Sound familiar Jamie.

A friend in Ottawa says he has a lead on a long box that the frame is shot on but the box is good, which ever one is better goes on the 4wd and the other goes on the wife's truck.