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Old 09-09-2012, 10:18 PM   #9
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Re: 53 swb s10 need help

I just mounted my cab 2 weeks ago. I would start by trying to eyeball the wheel in the front fender opening, and then go from there.

Do not weld anything until all the front sheetmetal is lined up. I had my cab, fenders and radiator support in place, but when I went to put the hood on, I needed to adjust the cab height (Lowered the front a little and raised up the rear) to get the hood gap right at the rear of the hood.

Ther are about twenty bolts that hold all the front sheet metal together. So, I again, would recommend assembling as much of the truck as possible before welding the mounts in place.

My cab mounts are made from 4"X4" sqaure tubing. The front mount is about one inch behind the oblong hole in the s10 frame rail just past the bend outward. See the end of my build thread (link below) for a few pictures.
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