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Old 09-11-2012, 11:53 AM   #5
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Re: 67 Ignition Switch Wiring Help

Thanks guys!

It sounds like someone swapped in a later model wire harness end at some point, as I have the large brown wire with no place to connect. I just capped it, as you can see above.

That resistance wire is funky, have never seen that before. I had trouble getting it to stay in a crimp, I think because the wire doesn't spread and get pinched down like copper wire. Hopefully the heat shrink will also help hold the ends in place, there shouldn't be any vibration there to knock it loose. Otherwise I'm not sure what type of crimp or connection I would use there. I guess for now I'll keep an eye on the gauge and make sure I am charging so I know my crimp is working!

I checked AutoZone last night, no luck with the bulb socket. I'll try Napa today and see if I do better.

I did start the truck last night and everything seems to work great! Maybe just my imagination, or because I cleaned the battery terminals, but I think it works better than before! Maybe not, but I feel better about it. No more rigged up wiring!

Thanks again guys!

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