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Old 09-12-2012, 02:33 PM   #1
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Using the S10 fuel tank on a frame swap

Any of you S10 swap guys used the stock S10 tank and pump with a carburated setup? It fits so well under the bed, I'd like to use it.

Questions I specifically have are:

1. The S10 tank should be non vented (TBI). Is there a vented screw in gas cap I can buy for it, or some better way to vent the tank?

2. I see the feed line, return line, and the overflow line. What is the 4th line in the sender? doesn't allow air from either direction, so I don't think it's a vent. Maybe some type of evap line?

3. Do I need a regulator with a return line, or will the standard $26 Holly 1-4psi adjustable regulator work ok?

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