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Old 09-12-2012, 03:55 PM   #20
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Re: My truck has milky oil!

May or may not be your problem...but....

Just had this very same problem with my daughters 75 Trans Am. When car was bought, engine ran great....did several upgrade and cosmetics to the engine and compartment. Daughter drove car for about 500 miles and I just by chance, checked the oil...MILKED!

Towed the car to my shop believing it to be a head gasket......hunted down and installed another Pontiac 400....took her original engine all apart and could not find any damage to where water would seep into oil....looked and looked, checked EVERY gasket...couldn't find any leak or breach of the gaskets.....but by this time already had bought new engine and had it in her car......

Two weeks later my daughters boyfriend comes to me and says her engine oil is MILKED AGAIN! Now this is in a completely different engine????

I go thru everything I can think of....cannot find how this water is getting into the crank case....change oil and filter and the engine runs great....check oil everyday for 2 weeks...nothing.....THEN out of no where, my daughter comes home and says her oil is MILKED AGAIN!!!!

So I start going back thru the days events of my daughter.....starting from 2 days prior which was when I last checked her oil.....

After much aggrevation, anger and a bit of yelling....I found the culprit!

My daughters boyfriend was washing off her engine for her everytime he would take it to the car wash. He would then wipe down all of the chrome items and sop up the standing water in the intake valley's.....but.....when he would be spraying the engine, water was running in around the distributor hole (EVEN with its gasket in place) and straight into the crank case!
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