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Old 09-12-2012, 04:47 PM   #18
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Re: Was it karma? or "Why Glass Fuel Filters Suck"

Man that sucks! Glad things didnt get catastrophic, and everyone was okay.
I had a similar thing ALMOST happen to me in my F250 - towed it 40 miles to a lake (boat hooked up) and I was smelling gas. When i pulled over and poped the hood after smelling the gas for a couple miles i found an ALARMING sight - my hose clamp on the carb popped off, but it was still pressed up against the carb inlet - thus allowing gas to both pour ALL OVER the intake as well as get just enough gas in the carb inlet to keep the truck running - there was about a pint of gas literally BOILING on the intake of the 460 Ford. Boiling. I was petrified. To my amazement and luck, it DID NOT flash, and actually boiled away into evaporation. Replaced clamps but seriously reminds me that i am playing with fate for not having a extinguisher in all my older cars... something i should def. reconsider .

sorry luck was not on your trucks side, but again, at least your okay.
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