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Old 09-12-2012, 09:52 PM   #1
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A/C Question 72 K5

Ive got a 72 K5 A/C truck with all the stuff in it except the compressor and front condenser. I have all hoses except those that hook up the compressor and front condenser. A friend of mine just bought a 76 K5 and does not want A/C and has all the goodies I seem to need.

My question, and maybe its a noob one, is that my alternator is on the left side where the compressor would go, could I use her brackets and compressor and stuff to move my alternator and use the compressor?

Also is there any way to check the working condition of a compressor besides installing it and trying it out?

Both are 350s and I believe my engine is from a later model like maybe 86 or something.

Any help is greatly appreciated.
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