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Old 10-13-2003, 12:23 AM   #1
68 Suburban
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I Fixed my Hood that was Raising in the back!!!

Now I don't suggest anyone else try this, but this fixed my hood hinge

When I was getting ready for my trip back to Phx, I was cleaning out the burb and checking the fluids. It was 2 am in the morning, and I left the doors open and the hood up by about an inch. I figured I would finish up in the morning. I thought the doors being open, would remind me that the hood was open.................................. Wrong. I got in the truck to run an errand. I got on the main drag and got up to about 30 mph, then all of a sudden I heard a woooosh. I knew immediately and slammed on the brakes, but it was to late! I thought, oh god I screwed up my hood. I got out and shut it expecting the worse. The hood alligned perfectly with out the rising back!!!!! I can find no damage on the hood

Cheap fix!!!!

It has made it 1900 miles back to Phx and it still opens and shuts perfect......
Just sitting here contemplating contemplation.
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