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Old 09-13-2012, 09:00 PM   #35
Fix It Till It's Broke
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Join Date: Apr 2007
Location: 29 Palms, CA
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Re: K10 vs K20 vs K30: Which For Me?

What's with people not registering vehicles? I mean this is beyond ridiculous. Spoke with probably 10-15 truck sellers...2....count that again 2 had trucks with current registrations. I work on a Marine Corps base you won't be able to drive that thing to work without a current reg not to mention I don't know if there is any grace time on a private party sale...getting frustrated. Also had a question looked at a 92 ext cab silverado with a solid axle swap with what looked to be a D44. Well he didn't account for the transfer case/axle not lining up what is the easiest way to fix it? New t-case or new axle?
Black Beauty: 85 C-10 SOLD!
Great White: 69 LWB Custom Camper/20 SOLD!
Blue Dragon: 72 K-10 SOLD!
The Tank 77 K-10 KIA

panhandler62: Just don't search for "trannys" no matter how hard yours shifts -- you just won't get what you are looking for.

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