63 c10 w/ 283 stalls when turning and runs better with choke on
hey all
i recently swapped out the stock ram horns for the corvette 2.5 inch versions from Summit and went from the factory 2-1 exhaust into duals. i used simple Thrush mufflers and made a very basic exhaust setup. I also did NOT use the ram horn gaskets per instructions that came with them - and my stock setup did not have any gaskets on there either.
the truck has never ran "perfect". even before all of this the truck would die upon slowing down at intersections, etc. i had my mechanic take a cursory look and he made some tweaks and it always started great. even on the drive home from his shop the truck would buck sputter and die. he didnt charge me anything so not worried about that. changed plugs, wires, etc.
i dont mind spending time with stock carb but i wouldnt mind a new carb (already have a performer intake for sbc) if that is a better long term route. i dont plan on any major mods other than a real exhaust setup so id like to be able to adjust the carb fairly easily. i dont recall what my stock one is.
i know the 500 cfm is recommended. i also think the 600 is better for anything like a 350. can i detune a 600 for the 283 in order to get a carb with some flixibility? or just stick with the 500 edelbrock?
thanks all