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Old 09-21-2012, 01:37 AM   #9
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Posts: 21
Re: Fuel lines and 5.3 ?

If anyone is familiar with the KP1200 set up. Could you let me know if I have the right setup for this?

Feed Line:
Fuel Tank -> K100 -> Nylon hose -> K075 -> Walbro255 -> K075 -> Nylon Hose -> KP020 -> Wix 33737 -> Dorman 800-155 -> Nylon Hose -> KP020

Return Line:
Wix 33737 -> KP040 -> Nylon Hose -> K050

I'm mostly worried about the K075's fitting into the Walbro 255.
If this works I'll be right around $350 for all the fueling system.. Lines, connectors, pump and regulator.
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