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Old 09-21-2012, 09:19 AM   #7
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Re: wrecked the 83 gmc.

Ok. I have fixed it. I am waiting on check from insurence to go pick it up. There was not another car in the wreck. It was just me. I was going around a curve and when I gave it a little gas the rear end got loose and I tried saving it and fish tailed the other way and into a guard rail I went. The one time I wasn't wearing my seat belt I got throwed over to passenger side and had really bad wipelase. I have antique insurence on the truck so I am covered on getting it fixed. But I went with some extra parts.

Had to get new bumper, trim, hood, grille, fender, and a few other things.
I am going to be happy with it.
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Red 8T3


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