Re: 1968 CST SWB anniversary gold
Made some real headway and got down into the colorado mountains. We drove from Denver in bumper to bumper traffic and that really sucked! However, it gave me even more confidence in Caroline's ability to handle any situation. We got to a place called Pine Junction and got a quick bite. The local folk were very nice and shared a little secret with us. We ended up camping rigt next to a good flowing stream and got the cots set up, the fire going and we cracked a couple of coldies and chatted about the great people and the awsome places we have seen so far.
Colorado has been my personal favorite so far. Hwy 285 is nice to drive in a classic truck but a motorcycle may do it better justice. We're heading to Durango CO and I wish I had a mountain bike with me because the trails here are legendary.
We are set to do more camping near Mesa verde and then head to the Grand Canyon and Sedona tomorrow.
Please post anything you may think we need to check out it keeps us motivated.
Thanks for tuning in.
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