Re: Looking For "Truck Church" On Tranny (Transmission)
I feel for you, am kind of going through the same thing. Trying to get the truck to a point where I don't have to put a maxipad down on the driveway every time I park the truck.
Transmission is finally sealed up. Did basically what you did, took the pan out, cleaned everything down, replaced filter, put on a new "top of the line" gasket (used gasket sealer), then replaced the seal on the shift link. Added in some Lucas transmission "conditioner" that has sealer as well. So far, not leaking.
Motor (GM crate with about 12k miles) had a small leak from front seal. Last oil change (mobil 1), added some motor leak stuff. So far, doing good.
Went out the other day and there was a big leak under the truck and about had heart failure. I knew it wasn't trans because of the clear color. Started checking around motor and oil pan, but nothing. Started thinking maybe someone came along and just dumped a cup of oil under my truck to mess with me!
Then as I was sliding out from front, I saw some moisture. It was the power steering box. I had loosened it and moved it when replacing belts last weekend. The hose going into the pump looks old and cracked. I tightened it down some, but plan to replace it when I have some free time.
Have you tried any transmission leak products? The Lucas product worked pretty well for me. Maybe it would be enough to stop the leaking for a while, and provide the opportunity to save up for the new transmission.