So I get a call from this kat Joe from out in Phoenix, he's good buddies with Sam from out there ( Angelo and The 65 trucks.). He's got an eye for the rare and clean ones, tells me he has been checkin out a ultra rare 57 GMC with the Pontiac 347 and Hyrdomatic. This thing is full load with all the goodies GM offered back in the day. It's missing a bed and its a long chassis but never fear, we have a plan. Joe syas he wans to lay it out, keep the Pontiac/Hyrdo, stick a tri power on it and keep her old school.
So sticking with my theme and seeing as Pontiac guys refer to their rides as Ponchos I figured it was a great fit to what is going to be a baaaad slammed olo school pick up. I give you Poncho.